Wednesday, December 7, 2011

MW3 COD Multiplayer Strategy Improve Your K/D Ratio

MW3 COD Multiplayer Strategy Improve Your K/D Ratio

Firstly who is this article aimed at, it is aimed at people who play MW3 online and have a k/d ratio less than around K/D 1.00 or looking to get a few little hints on how to play better and more consistent games.

The first thing we will look at is what is a 'good' KD ratio, now this is very subjective and alot depends on  what type of game mode is played, ie from FFA to a capture the flag. So whats the scale... for a good rule of thumb
< 0.5             Beginner
approx 0.75  you should be having some good games, probably a below average player.
approx 0.9-1.1 Average
approx 1.1-1.4 Above average
approx 1.4-1.8 Good
aprrox 1.8-2.4 Excellent
> 2.4               God like

So if you find your self falling below the average line, there are definataly some things you can do to at list bring yourself into a above average range, i will go through them here.

Before looking at classes or tatics, your connection will play a massive factor in how well you play. An excellent player on a crap connection will still play OK, maybe 1 K/D ratio but will find it very frustrating. There are obviously not alot you can do to rectify this, but a few things to try if you have bad connection... Make sure your not background download on anther PC, missus isn't streaming YouTube etc. Anther thing to try if you believe you are having connection issues is try a few games in Team Deathmatch, now you will have around 12 players in a game. Then go and play a few FFA games, which only have 8 players which is less stress on the hosts connection. I myself notice players drop alot quicker with a better connection. Also when the game is searching for a game, watch up top where it reads <50mms <75mms .... <150mms ideally you want to keep going back and forth until you get a game with a ping under 100ms.

On the other hand a bad connection demands quicker reflexs to be competitive so as you may be not doing so well, as soon as you jump into a game with a nice connection you may notice yourself having an awesome game all of a sudden. 

There is no particular gun or class that will fit all but there are some tips which I can share that you should try to give you an edge on the opposition.

Go stealthy, try sneaking around with a silencer, assassin, dead silence and using blind eye. The good players out there will see your little red dot every time you shoot on their mini map and will MOST likely come swarming your way. Silencer and assassin will definatly save you a few deaths each game.

A good class that does well?
Primary: PP9OM1/Kick/Supressor
Secondary: Doesn't matter but reccomend Skorpion/any attachment
Lethal: Claymore/Semtex
Tactical: Concussion/Flash
Perk 1: Sleight Of Hand Pro
Perk 2: Hardline Pro
Perk 3: Stalker Pro
Strike Package: Specialist
Death Streak: With this class you wont get a Death Streak but Final Stand otherwise

Exchange that PP90M1 with a UMP or P90 will do just aswell.
Or try an assualt riffle a G36C or a ACR are the favourites, I like the Type 95 which is a burst type gun which will kill on first burst alot of the time and will help improve your accuracy.

Recommend silencer on your gun at first, then try without and you will notice a difference. Not one gun suites all so remember to mix it up and try different guns, if you find yourself loving a PP90 then use it! My current preferred guns is a PP90M1 with overkill so secondry is P90, or a ACR 6.8 with a silencer on all weapons. 

Learn from your mistakes, dont keep running into the same spot trying to get revenge on the same guy. Move with cover, stick to map edges and dont camp in one spot. When you are moving it is most important to keep scanning, do it in stages, move to a corner look right, left and then straight ahead. 

Try soft camping, or partrolling. If I find myself running into some hard opposition I will patrol back and forth on a small portion of the map bring up on the sights when you face doors. Don't try to aim to do this for an entire game, get 2-3 kills and move on. 

Dont run, just walk! The amount of times im walking around and a guy runs into me, I have all the time in the world to spray him down.

Shoot from the hip! Then bring the gun up on aim while shooting from the hip, this will improve your reaction time and you will kill them by the time you have brought your gun up.

Let them chase you! If you notice someone has seen you go around the corner, out of stabbing distance from the door, pull out your SMG or pistol lay on the ground and hit them when they come hunting you down.

Strafe and shoot! Strafe while firing, this will make it harder for the enemy to hit you and harder for a sniper to pin point you if you run straight ahead. This takes practice to be able to aim while strafing, but effective!

Know the maps! This is so important, the more you play the more you know the dynamics of a map and how and where people most likely will be. Also dont follow everyone else, go where people dont normally go you will be suprised how many times you will suprise your enemy.

Confident? Keep hitting the hot spot of the map, if its not working then avoid the hot spot!

Obviously there are tips and tricks for different game modes, in Kill Confirmed you can go prone and watch some dog tags, in FFA you usually rack up alot of kills so using Support package you can get a fake care package (1kill) a stealth bomber (1-3 kills) and an escort drop... anther handfull of kills. In Team deathmatch, use assassin as UAV's are up all the time etc etc.

Controller sensitivity, this is anther big one, my opinion is... put it all the way to the highest setting possible. THEN play a few games, maybe even on survival mode cause you will likely suck. Then slowly drop it down after each game until you find a optimum setting, the higher you have it and can fully control it the better. If you have it to high and cant control it drop it, i would have a much better game at 3 than at max. 

Dying to killstreaks, dont do it! Dont run the outside of a map if the birds are in the air, you will most certainly die. Get inside.

Dont be afraid to turn an run, if you know your gun is unlikely to make the distance, don't even shoot a bullet, 9/10 they will kill you in a few seconds. Just turn away and run, hard to accept but it survivability. Who knows you might turn around and kill two in a passageway behind!

Lastley and most of all dont take it to serious, the more you play the better you get, so have fun and if you take just a few of these tips into account you will be a better player.

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